Dental care for babies should be started as soon as the baby’s first milk teeth appear. It should be wiped with a clean cloth after feeding in the morning and evening. Since solid food is started and the baby starts to be fed with a bottle and the foods given are acidic and sugary foods such as fruit, the sooner cleaning is started, the less damage is done to the milk teeth.
How to Clean Teeth in Babies?
Especially if babies are bottle fed, more attention should be paid to the cleaning of milk teeth. Milk residues left between the teeth of babies who drink milk during sleep at night cause caries. During this period, this cleaning should be done with a clean cloth or gauze without using a toothbrush. As the baby grows, you can switch to using a toothbrush. Starting early in order to gain the habit of brushing teeth will provide great convenience in the future. There are also baby tooth rings that help the mother. These rings, which are used during the teething period, reduce the pain experienced by the baby during the teething process by massaging and help the teeth to come out easily. For example, there is a misconception that if a decayed tooth that begins to swing is touched, the permanent tooth will appear crooked. However, this is a physiological process. Touching the loose tooth does not harm the permanent tooth. At this stage, the loosening tooth should be bitten by hard foods such as apples and cucumbers and the tooth should fall off on its own.