It is a disorder that causes a person to clenched, gnash or rub their teeth while awake or asleep. It has been stated that people with this disorder are more likely to have other sleep disorders, such as snoring and sleep apnea, which causes breathing problems.
In normal people, the teeth in the lower and upper jaw should not come into contact with each other, except for chewing and swallowing functions. The muscle activity, which progresses with clenching during sleep, is 3 times higher than that of normal people.
If you wake up in the morning with pain in the cheek area, temple area, neck or even back, you may be clenching or grinding your teeth. In advanced cases, joint pain, jaw pain, ear pain and muscle pain can also be confused with migraine pain.
Teeth Clenching – What are the causes of Teeth Grinding?
- Genetic factors
- Neurological problems
- Personality structure
- Psychological problems
- Stress and sleep disorders
- Migraine
- Decayed or missing teeth and incorrect prosthesis applications
What are the symptoms of Teeth Clenching and Grinding?
- When you wake up in the morning; If pain is felt in the mouth, neck, shoulder and face muscles,
- If you wake up with a headache,
- If you are told that you grind your teeth, especially during sleep,
- If you hear a ‘click’ sound from your jaw joints,
- If you have problems closing or breaking between teeth,
- If you have increased toothache and sensitivity,
- If you have sensitivity in your cheek due to squeezing,
- If you can’t sleep quality sleep and cause sleep disorders, your situation is quite high if you are experiencing teeth clenching and grinding problems.
Teeth Grinding - What is Teeth Grinding treatment?
The purpose of teeth clenching and grinding treatments; To prevent permanent damage to teeth and jaw joint and to eliminate pain. For the most appropriate treatment method, the jaw surgeon should definitely proceed according to the degree of bruxism as an examination. It is divided into three as severe, moderate and mild bruxism cases.
In order to prevent teeth grinding and clenching problems, transparent night plaques (protective) are recommended for the treatment, which are personalized, hard and adapted to ensure full contact with the teeth in the opposite jaw. The purpose of this plaque; It is to prevent the contact of the teeth with each other during sleep and to prevent the wear of the teeth.
In some cases, chin botox may be recommended as transparent night plates are not sufficient.
Teeth Grinding in Children - What is Teeth Grinding treatment?
During sleep, almost every child clenches or grinds their teeth during primary dentition, mixed dentition or permanent dentition. In this process, it is a normal process for the milk canine teeth to wear out at a normal level due to friction and grinding. It is necessary for parents to follow the situation and initiate preventive dental treatments for children without delay.