Although bleeding gums is a symptom of diseases that may occur in the gums, it can also occur due to other health problems. Gum bleeding can occur due to brushing the teeth too hard, using the floss too hard, or using the dentures incorrectly. In addition to these and other daily problems, gingival bleeding can also indicate diseases such as periodontitis, leukemia, vitamin deficiency and platelet deficiency. Such diseases cause the gums to bleed more easily and become inflamed. For this reason, those who have gingival bleeding problems should apply to health institutions to find out the cause of this problem and start the treatment process.
What is bleeding gums?
What are the symptoms of bleeding gums?
What are the causes of bleeding gums?
Many diseases, not just gingival diseases, can cause gingival bleeding. The most common causes of bleeding gums are:
- Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. Common symptoms include tenderness and redness of the gums. It occurs due to the fact that the plaques that occur on the gums are not cleaned over time, and these plaques lead to the reproduction of bacteria. For this reason, when sensitivity and redness occur in the gums, a specialist should be consulted and the disease should be treated before it progresses.
- Some medications can cause bleeding gums as a side effect. In particular, blood thinners will facilitate bleeding in the gums, as they will make blood clotting difficult. In order to avoid this problem, the drugs to be used should be taken under expert control, and more sensitive oral care products should be preferred for these people.
- Changing the oral care products used can also lead to bleeding gums. Going out of the daily routine in oral cleaning sometimes causes bleeding of the gums, in such cases it may be necessary to see a specialist and return to the old routine.
- Changing hormonal activities during pregnancy can cause gingival sensitivity. Bleeding may occur during dental care due to increased blood flow in the gums.
- Not paying enough attention to oral care is the main cause of gum diseases and therefore bleeding gums. Oral health can only be achieved with regular daily oral care. For this reason, teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day, floss should be used and the tongue should be cleaned.
- Unhealthy diet is another factor that can lead to bleeding gums. Some ingredients in processed foods can irritate the gums and cause sensitivities. In addition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are also very effective on the deterioration of oral and dental health. Therefore, due attention should be paid to adequate and balanced nutrition.
- The stress brought about by modern life can lead to many diseases as well as pave the way for oral diseases. Stress causes vascular health to deteriorate and the immune system to become weak. As a result, oral health may deteriorate and gum bleeding may occur.
- If the food is not chewed in accordance with the tooth structure, bleeding may occur in the gums as pressure will be applied to the wrong places. In fact, this can cause bite disease in the future.
Smoking not only damages many things, but also affects the gums in a very bad way. Harmful substances in cigarette smoke can accumulate in the gums and cause infections. Therefore, smoking should be avoided to prevent gingival bleeding.
How to diagnose bleeding gums?
Diş eti kanaması çoğu zaman bir neden değil sonuçtur. Bu sonucu önleyebilmek için düzenli olarak bir uzmandan yardım almak gerekir. Günlük ağız ve diş bakımı düzenli olarak yapılmalı, buna ek olarak en az 6 ayda bir diş hekimi muayenesinden geçilmelidir. Diş hekimi muayenesi ile ağız sağlığına ilişkin tüm sorunlar kolaylıkla tespit edilebilir. Muayene sırasında diş hekiminin yapacağı muayene ve hastanın da yaşadığı sorunları hekimi ile paylaşması sonucunda olası diş hastalıkları kolaylıkla teşhis edilebilir. Bazı durumlarda hekim tarafından tanıyı kolaylaştırıcı bazı testler de istenebilir. Tüm bu işlemlerin ardından diş eti kanaması ve ağız sağlığına ilişkin diğer sorunların temelinde yatan neden tespit edilebilir ve uygun bir tedavi sürecine başlanabilir.
How is bleeding gums treated?
The first step in the treatment of bleeding gums is to carry out individual oral care regularly and carefully. In addition to daily oral care, if you have a diagnosed oral and dental health disease, you should undergo a dental examination twice a year, as often as your doctor recommends. Proper brushing and flossing of the teeth will also reduce the risk of gum bleeding significantly, as it will minimize the formation of dental plaque. Since gingival bleeding is often caused by bacterial infections, the use of antiseptic mouthwashes can also prevent bleeding from occurring. Since gargling with warm and salt water will relieve the gums, it can be used in bleeding treatments. It is often recommended to use a soft-tipped toothbrush in order not to damage the gums. Especially individuals with sensitive gums should prefer this type of toothbrush. However, electric toothbrushes, the use of which has increased in recent years, is more suitable for effective teeth cleaning and helps to clean the gums more. In addition to these, some drug treatments may be required in individuals with more advanced gingival bleeding problems and who make daily life, eating and oral care extremely difficult. Medicines, special toothpastes, mouthwashes and pain relievers may be recommended for this. It will be possible to completely eliminate the problem of gingival bleeding with the treatment recommended by the physician and a correct oral care. It is more suitable for an effective teeth cleaning and helps to clean the gums more. In addition to these, some drug treatments may be required in individuals with more advanced gingival bleeding problems and who make daily life, eating and oral care extremely difficult. Medicines, special toothpastes, mouthwashes and pain relievers may be recommended for this. It will be possible to completely eliminate the problem of gingival bleeding with the treatment recommended by the physician and a correct oral care. It is more suitable for an effective teeth cleaning and helps to clean the gums more. In addition to these, some drug treatments may be required in individuals with more advanced gingival bleeding problems and who make daily life, eating and oral care extremely difficult. Medicines, special toothpastes, mouthwashes and pain relievers may be recommended for this. It will be possible to completely eliminate the problem of gingival bleeding with the treatment recommended by the physician and a correct oral care.
If you are also suffering from bleeding gums, you should immediately consult a dentist and be examined. If you have any disease that causes bleeding in your gums, you can completely prevent this problem by taking treatment for it, and you can prevent serious problems that may progress to tooth loss in the future.