Orthodontic Treatment Without Braces (Invisalign); It is a treatment method applied to straighten teeth with custom made transparent aligners (aligners) in the treatment of crooked and discrete teeth. Transparent plaques that surround the teeth are used in Invisalign treatment.
These appliances, which are specially produced by means of three-dimensional printers, eliminate the necessity of using metal or porcelain braces in orthodontic treatments. Transparent plaques can be used to treat disorders caused by crooked or gaping teeth.
Plaques used in orthodontic treatment without braces have a form that patients can easily insert and remove. In this way, patients can move more comfortably while eating or applying oral and dental care routines. In addition, people who think that their braces have an aesthetically disturbing appearance can get rid of their worries thanks to braces orthodontic treatment.
How is orthodontic treatment without braces applied?
Telsiz ortodontik tedavi sürecinin başlayabilmesi için hastanın herhangi bir diş ya da diş eti sorunu olmaması gerekir. Bu nedenle tedavi öncesinde diş hekimi muayenesinden geçilmeli, varsa çürüklerin ve diş taşlarının tedavisi yapılmalıdır. Telsiz ortodontik tedavinin ilk aşamasında, röntgen ve tarama yoluyla hastaların diş ölçüleri ve fotoğrafları alınır. Alınan fotoğraf ve ölçü ya da dijital tarama ile elde edilen 3 boyutlu modeller ortodonti hekimi tarafından değerlendirilerek bir tedavi planı oluşturulur ve her bir aşamaya ait plaklar dijital ortamda planlanarak üretilir.
Şeffaf plaklar üretildikten sonra set halinde ortodonti hekimine gönderilir ve hastaya uygulanır. Şeffaf plakları hangi sırayla ve ne sıklıkla takmanız gerektiği, ortodonti hekimi tarafından size detaylı olarak aktarılacaktır. Tedavi boyunca diş hekiminizin belirlediği rutin kontrolleri aksatmamalı, plaklarınızın temizliğini yapmayı ihmal etmemelisiniz.
What are the features of orthodontic treatment without braces?
- It is used in the treatment of split or crooked teeth without the use of braces.
- It is digital orthodontic treatment. At the beginning of the treatment, the physician shares the treatment result with the patient in 3D in a digital environment.
- It is transparent and invisible.
- All transparent plaques are produced individually.
- It does not affect the routine and daily life.
- Transparent plates can be easily removed and put back on while eating or drinking on special occasions.
- Since the transparent plaques are inserted and removed, it is more practical to provide dental cleaning and oral hygiene compared to braces treatment.
- With clear plaque treatment, crooked teeth are treated specifically for both adults and children.
- It is recommended to wear clear aligners for an average of 20-22 hours a day.
- Due to the flexible nature of Invisalign aligners, extremely hot drinks should be avoided. The plaque may lose its form by stretching due to high temperature.
- With the approval of the orthodontist, plaque changes are performed every 15 days.